Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 14 – London


So we caught up with J & J again for lunch and to see The Merry Wives of Windsor at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.  Super seats (all seats were great, actually)—we all nodded off once or twice but no one fell off the balcony.  Although, in my case, it was a very, very, close thing!!  Jim had a small metal gadget in front of him and there were a couple of times when Janette thought his head might drop smack into it, but he held strong.  A little tough following the Shakespearean language, but once you relaxed into it, it did seem to come a little easier.  In any case, it was extremely entertaining, and I’m so glad we did it.


J & J went to St. Paul’s Cathedral in the morning, and Bri and I went to Westminster Abbey.  A good time was had by all at our respective bit of culture. 

We also had dinner together at a pub near us and met a charming young lady from Dunedin, N.Z.  Since I’ve told Kelz about all the neat guys we’ve seen, thought I’d stay true to form and tell Liam that it’s too bad he wasn’t with us!!  She’s was very sweet, and smart, too.  Her “schooling” was in “energy auditing” and she’s interested in energy conservation and research!!  Sounds like our sweet Kelsey, doesn’t it? Although I would be horrified if Kelz decided to “see the world” by working as a waitress after she finishes school.  Yikes!!  Perish the thought!

Speaking of horrified, if Ron’s reading the blog he would be shocked to his toes by what we were served in the name of “Prawn Cocktail.”  These were the teeniest, tiniest, little bay shrimp that have ever swam in water.  Too funny for words!


We do a day trip out of London tomorrow to Stonehenge, Avebury and the Salisbury Cathedral.  Should catch up on my sleep on the bus--hahaha

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